Joliet Montessori School


We’re proud of our alums!

Aidan Kozlowski

What classes and activities are you taking and involved in?

Currently I attend the University of Dayton for mechanical engineering. I am an Eagle scout and was very involved with the Boy Scouts and have gone on numerous high adventure trips with my troop. I was on the high honor roll in high school as well as being a three sport athlete. In the future I plan to graduate and get a job doing something with space crafts or airplanes.

How has your Montessori education prepared you for H.S. and College?

One thing that I learned at the Montessori that has been extremely crucial in my life and learning has been the ability to problem solve and think outside the box. Both of these qualities being extremely important for engineering I think that is the right path for me because it is what I am best at and will continue to get better at. The last thing is my love of learning that has never disappeared with time. I still love learning about new things even if they seem difficult and that quality will help me long into the future.

Erin Nielsen

What classes and activities are you taking and involved in?

6/17/14 - I am 17 years old and I will be attending Honors College at the University of Illinois at Chicago this fall as a pre-law economics student.

In high school, I took a largely rigorous course load comprised mainly of honors and advanced placement courses. Beginning in my sophomore year, I took English classes a year ahead of schedule, ending my senior year with an honors rhetoric class. I graduated from Plainfield South High School second in a class of approximately 560, with a membership in the French Honors Society, and as a National Merit Scholar.

How has your Montessori education prepared you for H.S. and College?

More important than the difficulty of the classes I took is the fact that I have immensely enjoyed my educational career; better than the feeling of walking across the stage of my high school graduation with academic medals and pins was the feeling that the education represented by my diploma was truly valuable, which is a feeling that I attribute to my time at Joliet Montessori School.

During the six years that I spent at JMS (pre-kindergarten through third grade), it was impressed upon me that school is for learning and that the only true competition is against oneself. Because of that attitude, when I went to public school I came to school every day with the intention of making the best education for me that I could out of what was given to me. Because of this Montessori-instilled self-determination, I was able to turn an opportunity into a useful set of skills. For that I am eternally grateful to Joliet Montessori as a school and to the teachers and administrators that made it possible.

Jessica Jankowski

What classes and activities are you taking and involved in?

I am attending Kalamazoo College, and am currently undecided about my major. That said, I have been entertaining the idea of majoring in Computer Science and Psychology (or French) and going on to a career in programming voice recognition software, after getting a Masters degree in Linguistics. At K, I am involved in Orchestra, the Autism Awareness group, the Progressive Organization of Women Engaged in Revolution, and K College Conservatives.

How has your Montessori education prepared you for H.S. and College?

Through my Montessori education, I gained organizational and time management skills, a strong sense of community, and a love of learning. These qualities have undoubtedly helped me handle both the workload and social scene in high school and college, especially. I am proud of these aspects of myself and am grateful that I had the opportunity to attend Joliet Montessori School.

Chloe Cummings

What classes are you currently taking and what activities are you involved in?

I am currently attending the University of Missouri. I am majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. I am enrolled in the pre-vet scholars program and involved in pre-vet club. The pre-vet scholars program occupies most of my time at school because if I meet all of its criteria, I am guaranteed a spot in veterinary school at the University of Missouri. However, I am also involved in pre-med club because of my recent interests in the field of human medicine.

I also enjoy classes pertaining to political philosophers and interfamilial studies. These classes allow me to express myself through essays and challenge my creative writing skills. I am also enrolled in the Honors college at University of Missouri which focuses mainly on teaching students to think analytically about problems faced in the world today and how to go about solving these problems. Besides my studies I am an active competitor in stadium jumping. I have always loved horses and still pursue my dream of one day becoming an international athlete for this equestrian sport. I am currently training a new horse while attending college.

How do you feel Montessori prepared you for H.S. and College?

While University of Missouri is making me a better student, Montessori gave me the ability to love learning. The foundation of all of my academic endeavors always stems back to the teachings of learning for the sake of learning; which I gained from JMS. Montessori prepared me for college and high school because it gave me the focus I needed for both completion and comprehension of my immense workload. Throughout high school I was able to manage my time wisely due to the fact that I had learned to study for the sake of knowledge, not just learning for an exemplary grade on the test. I was allowed to study whatever subjects I wished and essentially create my own curriculum during my adolescent years which helped me learn how to take academic charge of my studies. I must also say that one of the biggest influences upon my time as a Montessori student was my teacher Miss Francis Wallace. Miss Francis was my teacher from 2nd year through 8th year when I graduated. Miss Francis always pushed me to expand my studies and focus on the things that didn't necessarily interest me (such as math). She supported my education and yet allowed me to make decisions regarding the content and nature of my curriculum. She gave me the basis of my education and for that I am grateful. The preparation I received from Montessori is directly responsible for my success in college; I am able to make decisions and handle my workload due to the philosophy and gift of learning that my teachers gave to me during my elementary and adolescent years.

Karina Kedaitis

What classes and activities are you taking and involved in?

I have recently become a certified make up artist through Make Up First School of Make Up Artistry in Chicago. This month I will be starting an internship at Studio BE, an ambitious, non profit, performance arts training and development facility which focuses also on enriching the theater community with good life choices. I will be interning at Studio BE long term as a make up artist. In the winter, I will also take up some business classes at Columbia College. In addition to that, I plan on becoming a certified esthitician, as well as a wig maker.

How has your Montessori education prepared you for H.S. and College?

I feel as if my Montessori education has prepared me in more ways than just academically. While I found myself advancing in the classroom, I also found myself to be a completely self-motivated individual, which I credit all to growing up in a Montessori environment. I truly believe that my hard work and passion in everything I do stems from my years as a Montessori student.

Beth Spesia

What classes and activities are you involved in?

I am currently at the University of Notre Dame and am planning on majoring in the Program of Liberal studies, which is focused on the Great Books in philosophy, theology, and literature in the Western canon. I am planning on having a supplementary major in Peace Studies with a minor in International Development. I'm a member of the International Development Research Council with a focus on historical and current events and issues in Africa.

How has your Montessori education prepared you for high school and college?

My Montessori education prepared me for high school by giving me the motivation and focus I needed to manage my time. It has helped me learn to pursue my own interests and passions in college. I can trace many of the things that I am interested in now back to my Montessori years.

A note to all alumni…

We'd love to stay in touch with you! Let us know what you're up to these days and where you are.

Send us your picture and answer the two main questions...

  • What classes and activities are you taking and involved in?
  • How has your Montessori education prepared you for high school and college?

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